High-Speed Rail Line Tours Bordeaux: A World First in the Rail Sector and a Significant Milestone for Reinforced Earth® Walls [...]
Rivers and Waterways
2024-02-08T11:05:28+00:00Reinforced Earth designs and furnishes materials for building river and waterway structures such as bulkheads, marinas, loading docks, bridges, canals and channels.
2024-02-09T12:26:51+00:00Reinforced Earth, T-Wall, TechWall, TechSpan, and TechBox are used widely to construct earth-retained embankments supporting railway overpasses and underpasses.
Ports and Harbors
2024-02-08T10:29:26+00:00Reinforced Earth draws on decades of experience designing MSE walls, prefabricated structures and earth reinforcement to build infrastructure for ports and harbors.
Urban development
2024-02-08T10:35:36+00:00Reinforced Earth companies design and supply materials for residential development and functional landscapes for housing.
2024-01-15T11:09:33+00:00Terre Armee‘s technology offers various applications and engineered solutions for industrial assets including protective structures for risk mitigation.